Every Sunday we read and discuss a book selected by the group conscience.

With his distinctive clarity and humor, as well as a keen eye for the many ways we sabotage ourselves and our progress, Dr. Allen Berger outlines twelve common errors that make the first years of recovery harder than they need to be. This useful book brings fresh perspectives on how long-term positive change begins with basic self-awareness and a commitment to working a daily program of recovery.
Recovery includes letting go of the destructive substances and processes that captivated and controlled our minds and actions. That's the start. We soon find that progress in recovery depends on our ability to clean up the messes that our addictions made, recognize and regulate our emotions, and learn how to navigate a new era of healthier relationships. In addition to getting sober, we have to grow up and stop acting against our own best interests. This book introduces us to all this and more.
12 Smart Things to Do When the Booze and Drugs Are Gone
The author of the recovery mainstay 12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery offers a fresh list of "smart" things to do to attain and sustain emotional sobriety. Whether it's called "dry drunk" or "white knuckle sobriety," it's that stage in recovery when we realize that "putting the plug in the jug" isn't enough. The next step is taking responsibility for the emotional immaturity that fuels our addictive personality and has a tremendous impact on ourselves and others. Allen Berger, Ph. D., draws on the teachings of Bill W. and psychotherapy pioneers to offer twelve hallmarks of emotional sobriety that, when practiced, give people the confidence to be accountable for their behavior, ask for what they want and need, and grow and develop a deeper trust in the process of life. These smart things include:
understanding who you are and what's important to you
learning not to take others' reactions personally
trusting your inner compass
taking responsibility for your reactions to problematic situations
It is in these practices that we find release from what Bill W. described as an "absolute dependency" on people or circumstances, and develop the tools to find prestige, security, and belonging within.
Drop the Rock -- Removing Charecter Defects
Resentment. Fear. Self-Pity. Intolerance. Anger. As Bill P. explains, these are the "rocks" that can sink recovery—or at the least, block further progress. Based on the principles behind Steps Six and Seven, Drop the Rock combines personal stories, practical advice, and powerful insights to help readers move forward in recovery. The second edition features additional stories and a reference section.